
Installing 3D Custom Girl Mods
Installing 3D Custom Girl Mods

Installing 3D Custom Girl Mods

Most models display correctly at 0.0, but some need an offset to display in the right place. Installing 3d Custom Girl Mods Download Misc mod TA3CH (Credit to phgborges) TA3DC TA/TAC tim XPC Futaba Mods Torrent (Credit to phgborges) Custom H-Scenes (Credit to damon12345) Note: The links above does not work anymore due to the removal of the files from Mediafire. This does not affect the actual position of the object the model represents. The fourth parameter, 0.0, is the offset of the model on the north/south axis.The third parameter, 3.0, is the overall size of the model displayed in-game.Note that this parameter is also used to locate the skin file for the model, swapping the file extension with '.png' or '.pcx' – it is expected that the skin file is in the same folder as the model itself. In this case, the file name written in models.dat should be subfolder/SONC.MD3, subfolder being the name of the subfolder in the models folder. Normally models are expected to be directly within the models folder, but they can also be within subfolders of this folder. The second parameter, SONC.MD3, is the file name of the model, or the file location of the model inside the models folder.If the skin to be replaced has the same name as an existing sprite prefix, the line should be prefixed with 'PLAYER', for example: PLAYERTHOK THOKCHAR.md3. When replacing a skin, the skin name set in name for the S_SKIN must be used here. Note that SPR_PLAY, the base sprite set for all player sprites, cannot be replaced with a model – the sprites for each individual character skin used by the player have to be replaced instead. When replacing a sprite set, the four-character sprite prefix must be entered here, e.g. The first parameter is the name of the sprite set or skin that the model replaces – in the example above the skin Sonic is being replaced.

Installing 3D Custom Girl Mods